"You are going to drive me to play Lotto to be able to purchase all your pieces."  Bruni T. - New York

"I am wearing my Hila jewelry alomst every day.  I get so many compliments it's not funny!"  Bruni T. - New York

"They arrived and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the necklaces.  Can't wait until next month's "necklace of the month".  Cheryl R. - Champaign, IL

"Your newest creation arrived yesterday and I love it!!!"  Kimmy B. - San Diego, CA

"Thank you for sharing your hobby and talents.  I get many compliments when I wear one of your pieces."  Anne G. - Raleigh, NC

"I love how everyone loves your jewelry when I wear it which is OFTEN."  Kathie P. - Palm Desert, CA



CLCONTACT:  Please contact me at hilasjewels@gmail.com with any questions you might have.

CARE OF YOUR HILA JEWELRY: Perfume, perfumed lotion and hair spray will  discolor the finish on my jewelry.  Please do not wear perfume on your neck when you are wearing my designs.  

Keep the necklace and earrings in a plastic Ziploc type bag with the air pushed out to help retard the tarnishing of the sterling silver and antiquing of the gold vermeil.

All my pieces are designed to have the male section of the clasp on the right side of the neck.

When taking off a necklace, always protect it by gently putting it on a soft cloth.